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How to Cure Snoring And Sleep Apnea (Yes, Really)

What if we told you that you could get permanent relief from obstructive sleep apnea and snoring issues in just 3 minutes?

If you – and your partner – are tired of relying on uncomfortable and noisy CPAP machines to manage obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), we have got good news for you.

At Florida Sinus & Snoring Specialists, our double board certified otolaryngologist and facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Lee M. Mandel has developed a groundbreaking in-office procedure called Minimally Invasive Palatial Stiffening (MIPS) for patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. OSA is caused by an over-extended uvula or a soft palate. With Dr. Mandel’s innovative MIPS technique, you can get rid of this condition for good, without any need for an invasive surgery or cumbersome mechanical devices to manage it lifelong.

Dr. Mandel was featured on the national TV show “The Doctors” regarding his MIPS procedure that he developed. To say it was spectacular would be an understatement. He did the procedure live and it was flawless.

The MIPS procedure will work for you whether you’re old or young, big or small, fit or unfit. In just 3 minutes, Dr. Mandel will be able to address the root cause of your obstructive sleep apnea and the snoring and sleep deprivation that’s caused by it, allowing you to enjoy longer, better sleep. You will no longer use a CPAP machine at night; you will no longer experience disrupted sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness that comes with it; and your partner will no longer complain of your loud snoring and how it’s making them fatigued too.

To know more about MIPS and what makes it a life-changing treatment for obstructive sleep apnea patients, continue reading.

The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Epidemic

OSA happens when the muscles in the back of your throat slacken or get weakened. These muscles help your soft palate, your tonsils, the tongue, the side walls of the throat, and that little flap piece of tissue hanging from the palate (uvula) stay up and contracted.

But when these muscles lose their strength, your airway closes or narrows as you breathe in. This means you can’t get enough air which reduces the oxygen level in your blood. Your brain senses this oxygen deprivation and briefly wakes you up from sleep so you can reopen your airway. This rousing is generally so brief that you don’t even remember it.

You might gasp, choke, or snort. This pattern or “event” can repeat itself 5 to 50 times or more each hour, throughout the night, preventing you from getting a deep, restful sleep.

Fact: Dr. Mandel frequently treats patients who experience 60-70 OSA events per hour every night! He once treated a patient on live television, who used to go through 81.9 events each hour and as a result, had the worst quality of sleep. He had a 100% success rate after the MIPS procedure.

Sleep disorder, including obstructive sleep apnea, have become a significant health issue in the US. Nearly 22 million Americans have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, out of which 80% have the obstructive kind.

When left untreated, it can lead to stroke, chronic heart failure, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular problems. Several studies have also found a direct link between OSA and disorders like depression and type 2 diabetes. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, about 38,000 people die every year from heart disease brought on by OSA.

Not to mention it is a major factor in many traffic accidents and accidents involving operation of heavy machinery due to the persistent drowsiness suffered by most OSA patients. Each year, about 100,000 traffic crashes are caused by drowsy drivers who – you can guess – are sleep apnea patients (sometimes, undiagnosed), according to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

To say that OSA has become severely pervasive would be an understatement. Fatigue, irritability, diabetes, central obesity, stroke, coronary artery disease, and many other conditions are all side effects of untreated OSA. While it can strike people of any age, men over 40, especially if they are overweight or obese, tend to be its most common victims.

Why Traditional Treatments for OSA Aren’t Your Best Bet

positive airway pressure cpap


Dr. Mandel’s Scientifically-Perfected Procedure Can Cure Loud Snoring, Daytime Sleepiness, And Help You Discard That CPAP Machine That’s Probably As Annoying To You As It Is To Your Partner

It’s not that MIPS is the only treatment available for obstructive sleep apnea. There are several medical and surgical options available for managing OSA as well as snoring, including positional therapy, oral appliance therapy, dental sleep medicine, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, and weight loss. The effectiveness of these treatments obviously depends on how long and how consistently you follow your doctor’s directions.

While CPAP therapy is considered the gold-standard for sleep apnea treatment, unfortunately, more than half of all these patients fail to comply with the doctor’s instructions because of treatment-related side effects, mask-related problems, perceived lack of benefit, or patient discomfort.

You could skip all these challenges by going the traditional surgery route, but it has a few caveats:

High Risk

It’s usually reserved for patients with severe OSA because the risk-benefit ratio increases with the severity of the underlying condition. To put it simply, if in addition to OSA, you also have obesity, diabetes or a heart condition, the traditional surgery option is not safe for you.

One surgical option that’s considered the last resort for severe OSA patients is Tracheostomy, in which the surgeon creates a permanent opening in the trachea (windpipe) and then puts a tube into it to let air in. We don’t need to tell you how invasive, disfiguring, and scary this is.

Low Success Rate

The most common surgical procedure for OSA is Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), which involves removing excess tissue from the pharynx and soft palate. This option only has a success rate of 33% to 50% – and that’s if you have a mild or moderate condition. So, not only would it not work for severe obstructive sleep apnea cases, but the efficacy of the procedure also decreases over time.

But don’t worry, you have a perfect solution now in the form of MIPS procedure from Dr. Mandel.

The Only Cure of Its Kind: Minimally Invasive Palatial Stiffening (MIPS) By Dr. Mandel

MIPS to reduce snoring


When Dr. Mandel realized that conventional treatments were just not providing sustainable relief from obstructive sleep apnea to his patients, he decided to dig deeper to find an innovative solution that would improve the quality of life of his patients.

The result is Minimally Invasive Palatial Stiffening (MIPS) procedure which is performed under intravenous (IV) sedation and takes about 3 minutes to complete. After the procedure, patients may experience a sore throat akin sensation which completely goes away within a week. If you choose to combine it with a sinus or nasal treatment, it takes an additional 10-15 minutes.

Here’s how MIPS works:

If you have obstructive sleep apnea and one of the symptoms is excessively loud snoring, it means that your palate and uvula (in the back of your throat) are longer and larger than usual. These abnormally larger parts are causing you difficulty to breathe when you sleep.

So, during the MIPS procedure, Dr. Mandel will first trim the uvula and then use a small, contact-dialed laser to make a tiny controlled abrasion at the center of your soft palate. Next, he will make a few passes with that laser under the lining of the palate on either side. As this lining heals over the next few days, it will pull the palate up and contract it.

As your soft palate is tightened, it will cause lesser vibrations during breathing, which means lower blockages of your airways.

100% Improvement Rate & Thousands of Happy Patients

Unlike the other OSA treatments, MIPS has 100% of improvement rate and 85% of effectiveness when it comes to using continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP). This means that if you are currently using a CPAP mask at night, you’re 85% likely to get rid of it for good after the procedure. The other 15% of our patients have also shown significant improvement in terms of daily comfort and quality of sleep.

Once the procedure is done, you will probably have a sore throat that will last a week or so. Other than that, patients have reported minimal discomfort. You can return to work within 24 hours without any downtime. As for the results, patients experience improved sleeping and reduced snoring in just 1 week.  Your breathing and quality of sleep will continue to drastically improve over the next few weeks.

“I just asked Dr. Mandel if he can work on my daughter. I wouldn’t put her in anyone’s hands without having the exceptional experience I’ve had with him. This man has changed my life. I couldn’t breathe day or night with sleep being impossible. 17 minutes of surgery and I’m a different man. Thank you Dr Mandel!” – Charlie Caruso

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome caused by an overextended uvula or an overly-soft palate, and have experienced limited success using the CPAP device, the MIPS procedure might be worth considering.

MIPS is also the Most Effective Snoring Treatment

reducing snoring


If you have ever slept next to a snorer, you know their nightly racket affected your sleep as well. It is estimated that more than half of US adults snore and more than 25% are habitual snorers. Sleeping disorders and problem snoring are more frequent in men and those who are overweight, and typically worsens with age. No wonder “sleep divorce” has become such a common phenomenon.

A sleep divorce occurs when one or both partners snore so loudly through the night that they have to sleep in separate rooms to get a decent amount of sleep. If you are preventing your partner from getting a good night’s sleep, or your partner is preventing you from the same due to loud snoring, something obviously needs to change!

When you snore, your sleep partner suffers just as much you. Your snoring is most likely affecting both of your sleep, causing both of you to experience its side-effects, such as irritability, mood swings, fatigue, drowsiness, and a reduction of sexual performance.

Of course, you can try the popular snoring remedies to control your situation, such as:

  • Using an external nasal dilator for increased airflow during your sleep
  • Sleeping on your side; sleeping on your back can compress the airway, whereas sleeping on your side regulates airflow
  • Eating healthier, working out, or even getting a bariatric surgery to lose weight
  • Getting oral appliance therapy where you have to wear a device (similar to a mouth guard or a retainer) while you’re sleeping. This device will hold your jaw in a forward position to help open your upper airway for better breathing

But changing your sleep position or using anti-snoring nasal passages strips is like putting a band-aid on a deep cut that needs sutures. We do encourage you to get fitter and healthier if you are currently overweight or obese, but that kind of change to your lifestyle takes time. Even getting a weight loss surgery takes several months to schedule, undergo, and recover from!

The same goes for using oral appliances – it will improve your sleep apnea over time, but the keyword here is “improve” and not cure. Plus, it usually takes weeks for patients to adjust to having an appliance in their mouth while sleeping.

This is why MIPS is one of the most reliable procedures to treat snoring. Snoring occurs when the muscles in your throat lose tone and become too relaxed, leading to a turbulent airflow. Right now, when air flow through these loose throat tissues, it vibrates, and causes that raspy, harsh noise we call snoring.

During the Minimally Invasive Palatal Stiffening (MIPS) procedure, Dr. Mandel will strengthen these muscles so you get more volume of air during your sleep than you are currently getting. If you have a sinus condition that’s making your snoring worse, you may also need to undergo an in-office nasal procedure, like balloon sinusitis surgery, in addition to MIPS to eliminate snoring for good.

Treating Snoring For Good: The Breakthrough You’ve Been Looking For

You now know that snoring happens when your throat muscles are too relaxed for, literally, their own good. But what makes them so? It could be because you are overtired, or you drank too much before bed, or you sleep on your back which causes the airways to narrow due to gravity.

Maybe you are experiencing an allergic reaction to something in your environment which is causing inflammation in the lining of your nose or throat. It can also happen if you are over your healthier weight limit; overweight and obese people have narrower airways. Sometimes, it can simply be a result of the unique anatomy of your mouth, sinuses, and throat.

That’s why we always recommend getting yourself checked out by a reputable ENT specialist before you start thinking about how to prevent or reduce snoring.

Here at Florida Sinus & Snoring Specialists, we have helped thousands of patients cure their sinus allergies, obstructive sleep apnea, and snoring issues with Dr. Mandel’s MIPS treatment, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), Balloon Sinuplasty, or a combination of these procedures.

Your treatment will be tailored and led by Dr. Mandel, who is one of the best ENT specialists in the country and the only Fellow of the American Rhinologic Society practicing in South Florida. He has spent over 20 years leading the industry with individualized minimally-invasive snoring, sleep, and sinonasal procedures.

Under his leadership, we run a comprehensive sinus allergies department and every procedure is performed in-house. You won’t be required to stay at a hospital for your treatment or recovery – you can simply come in, undergo your custom-created treatment plan, and go home within a couple of hours, depending on what type of procedure you need.

We are also the only clinic to offer OMIT (Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy) in the form of toothpaste!

Schedule An Appointment With Dr. Mandel Today

Dr. Mandel is the leading snoring and sleep apnea doctor in south Florida


If are experiencing the following symptoms, it might be time for you to pay us a visit:

  • You suffer from chronic and persistent sinusitis/sinus infections
  • You have trouble with breathing, smell, or your facial appearance (Dr. Mandel is experienced in rectifying deformities of the face, neck, and head)
  • Your suffer from obstructive sleep apnea and it’s wreaking havoc on your sleep
  • Your partner or family members frequently complain about your snoring
  • You suspect you have a serious sleep disorder like narcolepsy, bruxism, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, etc.

Our team offers the latest techniques for sinus treatments, including minimally-invasive options, and treats a wide range of nasal, sinus, and sleep disorders. Whether you come to us for an initial diagnosis or a second opinion, we will act fast to evaluate your condition and provide a personalized treatment plan. To schedule your appointment, please call us at 954-983-1211.